Breast Reduction – Reduction Mammoplasty

Breast reduction is that aesthetic surgery designed to diminish the breasts’ size and reshape them. It provides wellbeing and relieves the shoulder and back pain provoked by the excessive weight of breasts.


Any adult healthy woman can be subject for this procedure.

Ideal candidates are women with breasts that are either too big or disproportionate.

Reduction mammoplasty is not recommended for women who plan to breastfeed, since it may affect the surgery’s result.

Procedure description

Reduction Mammoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 4 hours.

To create a new breast cup, horizontal and vertical incisions will be performed following the breast contour and the areola contour.

Working through incisions, the surgeon will remove the excess fat and glandular tissue as well as the skin remaining.  The nipple, the areola and the tissue behind will have a higher position.

Other option is having the areola complex removed during the surgery, but with the disadvantage of permanent insensibility, which is why this procedure is only recommended for extremely big breasts.

After the nipple is replaced, the skin from both sides is pulled down and around, and then sutured to reshape the breast.

Gauzes and an elastic bandage are placed on the breast to protect the wounds.


Reduction Mammoplasty seldom presents complications. Related risks are:

-Infection and bleeding

-Unilateral or bilateral, temporary or permanent, partial or total numbness

-Partial skin slough

-Asymmetries and irregularities

-Poor healing resulting in noticeable scars

-Waving minor undulations under an over resections.

In all cases, risks might be minimized by carefully following the physician’s advice.

Pre-operatory care

You must discuss you expectation with the surgeon, keeping in mind that we are looking for an improvement, not perfection.

In order to have a successful procedure, you must avoid the following list of products for at least ten days before and ten after the surgery:


-aspirin and aspirin containing products

-Vitamin E

-Omega 3


-Gingko biloba

-Herbal medicines

-Super slim


You must complete the routine tests and, depending on your age and family history, X-rays might be required.

Eating is not allowed for at least 6 hours before the surgery.

Post-operatory care

Recovery time can vary, but definitely will not require complete rest.

Slight pain may occur, which is easily controlled with medication. The patient is discharged from hospital within the first day after removing the drains, which are left to avoid collections of blood. After 1 to 2 days the bandage is replaced by a more comfortable bra to be used 24 hours a day for 3 to 4 weeks.

Swelling and bruising last a few days. After the procedure, there might be loss of sensation in the nipples and partial skin slough, if it occurs, it will improve over time. Stitches are removed about two weeks after the surgery.

Although this type of surgery is performed with relatively small incisions there is no guarantee that scars won’t be noticeable, but they eventually tend to disappear in most cases.

Although you can normally walk a day after surgery, the physician will tell you when to return to your normal routine.

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